Overweight? We provide a wide array of solutions including various kinds of physician directed weight loss injections.
Schedule your consultation.

Equilibrium Wellness Offers an Exceptionally Wide Range of Medical and Non-Medical Wellness and Weight Loss Services Including a Wide Variety of Weight Loss Injections
Let an Equilibrium healthcare expert find your custom weight loss solution from our exceptionally wide range of weight loss shots for a safe, comfortable, healthy body that lasts!
Equilibrium provides:
- Personalized needs identification
- Individualized weight loss plan
- Coaches who help you experience weight loss fast in a healthy way
- Year-round coaching to help you keep your weight off
- State of the art and signature resources and tools to help you monitor your progress as you watch yourself lose weight fast and internalize how to lose weight fast
Personalized, Custom Service by Providers and Professional Health Coaches
Equilibrium Wellness is completely client-centric. We customize, personalize, and individualize our programs to meet your needs for wellness, weight loss and all that comes with that for you. We are about the meaningfulness your wellness and weight loss bring to you. Your success is our success. Our professional medical providers work with you and our professional health coaches to continuously help you meet your goals. Each person is completely individual and thus so is our service.
Medical and Non-Medical Weight Loss and Wellness Programs
We provide medical and non-medical wellness and weight loss coaching that is fully personalized. All meetings are one-to-one. We understand how personal your health, weight, and goals are to you and constantly strive to provide the best-customized service in the health and wellness industry.
Equilibrium Wellness ensures your experience is convenient and customized. We endeavor to lead the learning habits that are the best for you and your short-term and long-term weight loss and wellness goals and vision.
Benefits of Medical Weight Loss Shots
Weight loss injections are popular today and have been increasingly popular for years. Weight loss injections are often a very light kind of injection, different from lab tests as you hardly feel the filament go in. You can see in our reviews that discuss the effectiveness of these injections and the excellent experiences of healthy weight loss that are sustained, primarily because of our highly lauded medical professionals and their outstanding ability to customize programs for individual patients’ needs.
There are several forms and formulas of weight loss shots in the weight loss industry. Equilibrium Wellness has many more kinds than other weight loss clinics in part because we are a medical weight loss solutions provider and because we aim to provide the widest base of formulas from which our providers can use to create a completely individualized personalized program for you.
Weight loss shots such as Vitamin B, Lipotropic, B12 Lipotropic injections, Lipolean shots, Lipo MinoShots, and Lipo Mino Mix, can help weight loss in a noticeable way and need to be directed by a physician and professionally trained healthcare team. Equilibrium Wellness has the complete team of physicians, medical providers, and professionally trained healthcare experts to help our patients with all the wide array of weight loss options including the many kinds of weight loss injections Eq-clinics offers.
The Vitamin B and Lipotropic injection contain the B complex vitamins, Lipotropics and Lidocaine. This injection aids weight reduction by burning extraneous fat; while the vitamins keep the body nourished.
It is absolutely necessary to have a doctor supervise medical weight loss shots of all kinds, hence Equilibrium Wellness has doctors, nurse practitioners, and various other trained healthcare professionals all working under the doctors to help you as a team.
There are various other kinds of weight loss shots. Some of the weight loss injections tend to target fat loss in particular. Weight loss shots generally promote weight loss to improve body fat management and reduce the risk of obesity.
Your Equilibrium Wellness provider will take your body, your lifestyle, your stress and several other factors into account before prescribing you the appropriate dosage. They will listen to you carefully and look at the entire picture of your lab results and everything you share that you think is important.
Every person’s body is unique. Results vary but with the direction of the Equilibrium Wellness provider using the most customized, individualized, personal approach that is the signature way of Equilibrium Wellness, our patients get the best results they can for themselves.
Patient Testimonials
Our Programs Exceed Patients’ Expectations
“50 pounds of fat is now history!”
I now understand how important a proper body weight is to my health and longevity. I was not on a good path until I opted for a free consult with Equilibrium Wellness. I was shocked that I needed to lose over 50 pounds of fat. That is now history, and I am proud of my accomplishment and thankful for Equilibrium.
James D.
“Lost 40 pounds and I am SO happy.”
Needing to lose about 40 pounds, I began to investigate the possibilities. My research suggested that Equilibrium Wellness is unique offering so many different protocols. I set up a free consult and then committed to a program. I have since lost 48 pounds and am SO happy. Recommended!
Joyce J.
“After Equilibrium Wellness I am truly a different person.”
Most of my adult life has been adversely by PCOS and its many unpleasant side effects. My PCP never diagnosed the condition but one visit with Equilibrium Wellness changed everything. I am truly a different person.
Irina R.